
What a wonderful weekend of relaxation and friends!

I was the only happy one in this house when the Packers won today. Trevor and his cousins Kevin, Brett, and Kyle were cheering for the Bears just because they “hate” the Packers so much. I think it’s silly. And also maybe because the Naus “triplets” (twins and a brother that looks just like them) dad is from Chicago and a Bears fan. I made sloppy joes and actually watched the whole game with them, right there on the couch between Trev and Kev. Cash enjoyed begging all of us for puff corn, Doritos, and sloppy joes.

This next week is full of plans! I’m sad the weekend is over but I’m also looking forward to friends, family, movies, taking picture 300 of 365 (getting so close to the end!), and whatever else is thrown my way.


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